Graph above showing the rise in median home value for each neighborhood in Somerville over time (adjusted for inflation). Depicted alongside the estimated maximum affordable sales price in Somerville based on median income and interest rates. Created by mining data from Zillow, analyzing with R, and visualizing in Illustrator.
Map showing the potential of high ridership bus stops for transit-oriented development. Featured at the 2023 Transportation Research Board annual meeting in DC. Created with GTFS data from the MBTA, analyzing in R, geolocating and visualizing in ArcGIS Pro.
Map in the form of a GIF showing the distribution of households by annual income down the Green Line Extension in Somerville in from 2013 to 2020. Created with R, ArcGIS Pro, Photoshop, and Illustrator.
Map in the form of a GIF showing the distribution of households by annual income down the Fairmount Corridor in Boston in from 2013 to 2020. Created with R, ArcGIS Pro, Photoshop, and Illustrator.
This series of graphs and maps were created to propose that the MBTA take a more active role in the development of equitable transit-oriented development around Greater Boston. The green line extension into Somerville and Medford has exacerbated displacement of lower income residents, and service increases along the Fairmount Line corridor are ripe to produce similar effects if the agency doesn’t encourage affordable housing growth along the corridor.