Nicholas Pietrinferno
+1 609 903 1227

July 2021 - Dec. 2023

Northeastern University
Master of Science in Urban Informatics
Concentration in Communities and Economic Development.

Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2022

Northeastern University
Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies
Minor in Urban Studies.
Institutional Honors: magna cum laude, dean’s list every semester.

June 2023 - Dec. 2023

Scout Labs
Developed partnership with City of Boston’s Housing Innovation Lab and led project exploring affordability of homeownership in Boston through systems mapping, data analysis and visualization, and stakeholder interviews.
Led team in the creation and testing of community engagement tools for the Boston YMCA to implement at their grocery bag food pickup program.

June 2023 - Sept. 2023

Data Visualization Research Assistant
Northeastern University Center for Design
Drafted graphics in ArcGIS Pro, Processing, and Illustrator to visualize spatial data for a cross-institutional project with MIT Senseable City Lab that tasked itself with investigating usage and access to urban amenities in fifteen minute walksheds across the U.S.

July 2022 - Jan. 2023

Spatial Analyst Co-op
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority
Designed suite of graphics (animated and static maps, charts, and graphs) to narrate outcome and implications of equitable transit-oriented development. Developed exploratory research methods to rethink office standards for determining land use, population estimates, and regional destinations using R, SQL, ArcGIS Pro, and ArcPy. Initiated, developed, and delivered research projects to explore how MBTA service is impacted by urban development patterns in Greater Boston.

May 2021 - Aug. 2023

Architecture & Interior Design Intern
Hopewell Design Shop
Developed detailed schedules of finishes, equipment, and fixtures to facilitate regional expansion of restaurant micro-chains. Drew plans, elevations, sections, and detail drawings with AutoCAD and Rhino and created collage renders with Illustrator and Photoshop for residential and commercial projects.

Sept 2022 - May 2023

Project Lead
Scout Labs
Defined the scope and oversaw the execution of a year-long project exploring the role of food insecurity in Boston and at the university. Led brainstorming sessions with team leads and strategists and determined next steps for each team weekly. Designed a process book to formalize the team’s semester of research in InDesign and Figma. Organized the team’s process to create interactive models for narrative based community outreach in the form of a research pop-up.